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Peruvian Journal of Neurosurgery

Intraventricular astroblastoma: Case report

Dante Valer G. MD, Betty Quintanilla C. MD, Jerson Flores C. MD, Alejandro Rosell O. MD, Sandro Casavilca Z. MD, Arie Perry MD
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Astroblastoma is a tumor of the glial lineage of unknown origin and uncertain prognosis. Represents 0,4 - 2,8% of brain gliomas, which generally presents in youth people as an hemispheric well defined tumor, often associated with a cystic component, being extremely rare intraventricular location. The author reports the case of a patient of 4 years old girl with intraventricular astroblastoma and a review of the literature. Complete resection was demonstrated in early postoperative CT. The patient began disease since three month before the surgery with persistent headache, nausea and vomiting. She suffer cranial trauma and the indicated brain scan showed well-defined giant intraventricular tumor, at the right temporal horn with heterogeneously contrast enhancement. The patient was not treated favorably adjuvant after surgery without evidence of tumor recurrence 06 months after surgery. The histological features including nuclear pleomorphism, presence of perivascular pseudorosettes astroblastic typical and perivascular hyalinization. Have distinguished two types of astroblastoma according to histological grade; however, the prognosis in cases is not directly related to the histological type. Surgical resection remains an important prognostic factor.

     Key Words: Astroblastoma, intraventricular tumor