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The location of the cerebral functions and the birth of Neurosurgery

Enviado por admin el Dom, 05/07/2017 - 00:22
Javier Torres M. MD
History Article
ABSTRACT (English): 


On November 25, 1884, at the Hospital for Epilepsy and Paralysis and other Diseases of the Nervous System (now Maida Vale Hospital) in London, surgeon Rickman Godlee, led by neurologists A.H. Bennet and David Ferrier, who traced in the skull the major convolutions of the Brain and the exact point where he was to trepanarse, operated from a brain tumor to the young Henderson, native of the county of Dumfries.
One hundred and twenty-five years later this seems to us of no importance and for many it will be a surprise that it wants to give the transcendence of being the birth of a new specialty: Neurosurgery.
The story is not that of an operation more to the brain, which as we know they were done from many centuries before. The transcendence is that it was the first operation of a brain tumor located only by clinical methods.


ABSTRACT (Spanish): 


El 25 de Noviembre de 1884, en el Hospital for Epilepsy and Parálisis and other Diseases of the Nervous System (hoy Hospital Maida Vale) en Londres, el cirujano Rickman Godlee, guiado por los neurólogos A.H. Bennet y David Ferrier, quienes trazaron en el cráneo las principales circunvoluciones del
cerebro y el punto exacto donde debía trepanarse, operó de un tumor cerebral al joven Henderson, natural del condado de Dumfries .
Ciento veinticinco años después esto nos parece sin importancia y para muchos será una sorpresa que quiera darle la trascendencia de ser el nacimiento de una nueva especialidad: la Neurocirugía.
La historia no es la de una operación mas al cerebro, que como sabemos ya se hacían desde muchos siglos antes. La trascendencia radica en que fue la primera operación de un tumor cerebral localizado solamente por métodos clínicos.