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Peruvian Journal of Neurosurgery

Pituitary carcinoma: Case report

Marco Chipana S. MD, Vittorio Nieri L. MD, Luis Huamán T. MD, Luis Contreras M. MD, Marco Gonzáles-Portillo S. MD
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The pituitary carcinomas are rare and aggressive adenohypophyseal tumors, that usually present themselves like invasive macroadenomas, producing ACTH or prolactin. For clinical definition, they have metastases of a pituitary neoplasm, craniospinal or systemic. It is possible the existence of a time of latency between the diagnosis of pituitary tumor and the diagnosis of pituitary carcinoma that may vary from 5 to 12 years. The histological study is necessary for the diagnosis, and reveals functionally tumors, microscopically atypical, with high mitotic activity. The survival after documentation of metastases is low, being of only 34 % at the end of the first year. The treatmentincludes radical surgery and the use of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, nevertheless the results are still discouraging.
   Key Words: Pituitary adenomas, Pituitary macroadenomas, Pituitary carcinomas.